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Home I/O Devices & Communication Programmable Controllers (PACS)

Programmable Controllers (PACS)

Programmable Automation Controllers are designed for control tasks which require Industrial PC computing performance and a Programmable Logic Controller's (PLC's) robustness. Its multiple functionalities include discrete, analog, and motion functions. Well-integrated programming tools and optional HMI software provide a flexible and easy-to-use software solution for versatile applications.
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16-Channel Universal Digital I/O Module
  1. Channels: 16
  2. I/O Type: bit-wise selectable by DIP switch
  3. Digital input: Support Dry/Wet Contact
  4. Digital output: Open Collector to 30 V, 450 mW max. load
  5. Power consumption: 0.35 W (typical); 1.2 W (max)


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16-channel Digital Input Module with RoHS
  1. Channels: 16
  2. Input voltage: 30 Vmax
  3. Circuit type: Pull-Up current: 0.5 mA (Source Type)
  4. Power consumption: 0.53 W


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16-channel Digital Input Module
  1. 16 input channels
  2. Input voltage: 30 Vmax
  3. Circuit type: Pull-Up current: 0.5 mA (Source Type)
  4. Power consumption: 0.84 W(max.)


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16-Channel Isolated Digital Input Module with LED
  1. 16-channel
  2. 50 Vmax Input Voltage
  3. 2500 Vdc Optical Isolation
  4. 70 Vdc Over Voltage Protection


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8-channel Isolated Digital Input Module
  1. Channels: 8
  2. Digital input level: Logic level 0: +1 V max.
  3. Isolation voltage: 5000 VRMS
  4. Power consumption: 0.27 W (max)


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16-Channel Isolated Digital I/O Module with LED
  1. 16-channel
  2. I/O Type: 8 DO & 8 DI
  3. Optical Isolation: 2500 Vdc
  4. Power Consumption: 0.68 W (Typical)


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16-Channel Digital Output Module with LED
  1. Channels: 16
  2. Operating voltage: 30 Vmax
  3. Digital output: Open collector to 30 V, 100 mA max. load
  4. Power consumption: 0.5 W (typical); 0.84 W (max.)
  5. LED indicator: On: Output logic level "1"
  6. Output status hold function
  7. Power dissipation:300 mW for each channel


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16-Channel Sink Type Isolated Digital Output Module with LED
  1. 16-channel
  2. Optical Isolation: 2500 Vdc
  3. Over Voltage Protection: 70 Vdc
  4. Power Consumption: 0.6 W (typical)
  5. Power Dissipation: 300 mW


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16-Channel Source Type Isolated Digital Output Module with LED
  1. 16-channel
  2. Optical Isolation: 2500 Vdc
  3. Over Voltage Protection: 70 Vdc
  4. Power Consumption: 0.6 W (max.)


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8-Channel Power Relay Output Module with LED
  1. Supports Modbus/RTU protocol
  2. High Power Relay Output : 250Vac@5A, 30Vdc@5A
  3. 8-channel Relay Output
  4. 8 form A channels
  5. Jumper setting for output status when reset
  6. 8 LED indicators


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4-channel High Speed Counter/Frequency Module
  1. Function Mode: Counter (Up/Down, Bi-direction, Up, A/B Phase) Frequency
  2. Input Frequency: Frequency Mode: 5Hz ~1MHz Counter Mode: 1MHz max.
  3. Minimum Pulse Width: 1μ sec. (Frequency/Counter Mode)
  4. Isolated Voltage: 2500 Vdc
  5. Programmable Digital Noise Filter: 1~65000μ sec.
  6. 4 channels for Counter, 8 channels for Frequency
  7. Counter Aux. Function: Initial preset, hi-low alarm setting, alarm digital output mapping, overflag


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