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Dual 25G fiber SFP28 NIC w NVIDIA ConnectX-6
  1. NVIDIA® ConnectX®-6 Lx Controller
  2. 2 25GbE SFP28 ports
  3. PCIe Gen. 4 x8 host interface
  4. Low profile (half length) form factors
  5. Supports 25GBASE-R, 10GBASE-SR and 10GBASE-LR modules
  6. Supports SR-IOV based virtualization


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Single 200G fiber QSFP56 NIC w NVIDIA ConnectX-6
  1. NVIDIA® ConnectX®-6 Dx Controller
  2. 1 200GbE QSFP56 ports
  3. PCIe Gen. 4 x16 host interface
  4. Low profile (half length) form factors
  5. Supports 200GBASE-SR4, 200GBASE-CR4 and 200GBASE-KR4 modules
  6. Supports SR-IOV based virtualization


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Dual 100G fiber QSFP56 DPU w NVIDIA BlueField-2
  1. NVIDIA® BlueField®-2 Controller
  2. 2 100GbE QSFP56 ports
  3. PCIe Gen. 4 x16 host interface
  4. Full-height-half-length form factors
  5. Supports 100GBASE-SR4, 100GBASE-CR4 and 100GBASE-KR4 modules
  6. Supports SR-IOV based virtualization


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Dual 25G fiber SFP56 DPU w NVIDIA BlueField-2
  1. NVIDIA® BlueField®-2 Controller
  2. 2 25GbE SFP56 ports
  3. PCIe Gen. 4 x8 host interface
  4. Full-height-half-length form factors
  5. Supports 25GBASE-R, 10GBASE-SR and 10GBASE-LR modules
  6. Supports SR-IOV based virtualization


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Single 200G fiberQSFP56 DPU w NVIDIA BlueField-2
  1. NVIDIA® BlueField®-2 Controller
  2. 1 200GbE QSFP56 ports
  3. PCIe Gen. 4 x16 host interface
  4. Low profile (half length) form factors
  5. Supports 200GBASE-SR4, 200GBASE-CR4 and 200GBASE-KR4 modules
  6. Supports SR-IOV based virtualization
  7. Supports InfiniBand HDR/HDR100


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