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2-port RS-232 PCI Communication Card
  1. PCI bus 2.2 compliant
  2. Speeds up to 921.6 kbps for extremely fast data transmission
  3. Level 4 ESD protection (air 15 KV , contact 8 KV)
  4. 2 x RS-232 ports
  5. 128-byte FIFO
  6. Supported operating systems: Windows XP/7/8/10, and Linux
  7. Operating Temperature -20 ~ 60°C


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8-port RS-232 PCI Communication Card with Surge
  1. PCI bus 2.2 compliant
  2. Speeds up to 921.6 kbps for extremely fast data transmission
  3. Supports any baud rate setting
  4. 8 x RS-232 or RS-232/422/485 ports
  5. XR17V358 UART with 256-byte FIFOs
  6. Supported operating systems: Windows 7/8/10, and Linux.


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8-port RS-232/422/485 UPCI Communication Card
  1. PCI bus 2.2 compliant
  2. Speeds up to 921.6 kbps for extremely fast data transmission
  3. Supports any baud rate setting
  4. 8 x RS-232 or RS-232/422/485 ports
  5. XR17V358 UART with 256-byte FIFOs
  6. Supported operating systems: Windows 7/8/10, and Linux.


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8-port RS-232/422/485 UPCI Communication Card with Iso
  1. PCI bus 2.2 compliant
  2. Speeds up to 921.6 kbps for extremely fast data transmission
  3. Supports any baud rate setting
  4. 8 x RS-232 or RS-232/422/485 ports
  5. XR17V358 UART with 256-byte FIFOs
  6. Supported operating systems: Windows 7/8/10, and Linux.


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