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Advantech digital signage solutions combine high graphics power with industrial grade design for dynamic signage capability. All digital signage players comes with FREE with content creation and remote management software. With easy networking capability, Advantech helps customers capitalize on digital signage networks which results in a faster time-to-market and a lower total cost of ownership.

Waitlist Solution

This browser based solutions allows retailers to easily improve how they manage resetless customers in queue,while enhancing table management process.

Remote Monitoring Solution

Web-based digital signage content management software. Create your content, deploy and schedule in three easy steps.

eMENU Solution

Remote device monitoring and management software with open and standard software development kits.

Instore Heat Map

Instore heat map technology allows real-time A/B testing for product/mrket placement. Retailers can evaluate product performance and “staying power”.

Intelligent Signage

Intelligent signage is a smart and sophisticated software designed for content creation and remote dispatch. Customers can remotely manage multiple signage devices through a single console.

Instore Traffic Analytics

Analyzing shopping behavior of all department store performances for benchmarking. Calculate return on investment and plan future marketing activities more effectively. Ensure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns

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