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Digital I/O & Counter Cards

Advantech’s PCI and ISA bus Non-Isolated Digital I/O cards possess high-reliability industrial features. They are applied for: Relay and switch monitoring and controlling, Parallel data transfer, TTL, DTL and CMOS logic signal sensing, Indicator LED driving. These functions allow users to run all I/O functions simultaneously at full speed without losing data.
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32 channel Isolated Digital Input Card
  1. ISA-Compatible with PCL-733
  2. 32-ch Isolated digital input
  3. High output driving capacity
  4. Interrupt handling capability
  5. D-type connector for isolated input channels


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32 channel Isolated Digital Output Card
  1. ISA-Compatible with PCL-734
  2. 32-ch Isolated digital output
  3. High output driving capacity
  4. D-type connector for isolated output channels
  5. High-voltage isolation on output channels


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24 channel TTL Digital I/O Card
  1. ISA-Compatible with PCL-724
  2. 24 TTL digital I/O channels
  3. Emulates mode 0 of 8255 PPI
  4. Interrupt handling
  5. Opto-22 compatible 50-pin connectors
  6. Output status readback
  7. PCI universal card


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32 channel Isolated Digital I/O Card with Counter
  1. 16 isolated DI and 16 isolated DO channels
  2. High voltage isolation on all isolated channels (2,500 VDC)
  3. High sink current on isolated output channels (200 mA/channel)
  4. Supports dry contact or 5 ~ 50 VDC isolated inputs
  5. Interrupt handling capability
  6. Timer/counter interrupt capability


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64 channel Isolated Digital Input Card
  1. 64 isolated digital input channels
  2. Either ± voltage input for DI by group
  3. High-voltage isolation on input channels (2,500 VDC)
  4. High over-voltage protection (70 VDC)
  5. Wide input range (10 ~ 50 VDC)
  6. 2,000 VDC ESD protection
  7. Interrupt handling capability
  8. High-density 100-pin SCSI connector


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64 channel Isolated Digital I/O Card
  1. Either ± voltage input for DI by group
  2. High-voltage isolation input/output channels (2,500 VDC)
  3. 2,000 VDC ESD protection for DI
  4. High over-voltage protection (70 VDC) for DI
  5. High-sink current on isolated output channels (200 mA max./channel)
  6. Output status readback
  7. Keeps output settings/ values after system hot reset
  8. Interrupt handling capability
  9. High-density 100-pin SCSI connector


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128-ch Isolated Digital Input PCI Card
  1. 64-ch isolated digital output and 64-ch isolated digital input
  2. Interrupt handling capability for each channel.
  3. Digital Filter function.
  4. Wide output range (5 ~ 40 VDC); input range (5 ~ 25 VDC)
  5. High-sink current for isolated output channels (200mA max./Channel)
  6. High ESD protection (2,000 VDC).
  7. Current protection for each port
  8. High-voltage isolation on output channels (2,500 VDC)
  9. Output status read-back


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128-ch Isolated Digital Output PCI Card
  1. 64-ch isolated digital output and 64-ch isolated digital input
  2. Interrupt handling capability for each channel.
  3. Digital Filter function.
  4. Wide output range (5 ~ 40 VDC); input range (5 ~ 25 VDC)
  5. High-sink current for isolated output channels (200mA max./Channel)
  6. High ESD protection (2,000 VDC).
  7. Current protection for each port
  8. High-voltage isolation on output channels (2,500 VDC)
  9. Output status read-back


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